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Quinta do Rio Dão

Organic farm at the damm of the Rio Dão. Destillerie and trade mark Mystilla.
Here you get the authentic Medronho from tree-strawberries, as fine brandies from peache, grape, plum in organic quality. Produced with regenerable and autonomous resources and energies. You can get them in the little farm-shop. Runned with autark energy and water sources in a beautiful landscape.

Organic farm
Space for writers, thinkers and artists 

Possible to stay for a holiday in a simple, equipied stonehouse,

or in a beautyful natureparkside with wash and cook facilities.

Mobiles with a one bath can´t come up to the campside / farmhouses, but get a cosy, fenced, hidden place 20 or 50 m from the water!


Private green beach and bay by the lake with a canoe for expeditions. Many different animals as donkey to ride, dogs, cats and poultry take part of the daily farmlife.


Quinta do Rio Dão

Annette, Simão and Rilana

Phone: (00351 for Portugal) 232 611 087